Monday, August 15, 2016



Blend crude oil
Brent (Brent Crude) - is a measure of oil, produced from the North Sea, whose name came from the field that the name had been drilled in 1970, and in fact crude oil Brent called Brent, his place is located between the coasts of Norway and Scotland, Brent is one of the most oil varieties , sold in major oil exchanges in the world, the price of oil Brent is the basis for the formation of the price since 1971 to about 40% of oil varieties around the world, especially for the oil Russia's Urals region, and West Texas oil and symbolized (WTI), and crude oil is described that it is heavy or light, depending on the extent of the density of water it, it is also determined by its quality according to the amount of sulfur it contains on, and we can say that Brent is a combination of "light with quality" is collected from several different fields of the North Sea, and there is derived Brent name as we mentioned before, the price of Brent crude rises much for OPEC compound, while WTI is a combination more "light and has a quality" of Brent crude, and the price is higher than Brent.

Urals - the crude oil contains (1.3% sulfur) and is a blend crude oil, the main producers of Urals oil are the following companies: «Rusneft», «Lukoil», «Surgutneftegaz», «Gazpromneft», «TNK-VR» and «Tatneft» . Russian oil price is determined by the resolution of the price of Brent crude. Russia is taking steps to upgrade the quality of oil Urals to exclude some types of oil, is the Western Siberian oil oil than acceptable quality abroad and is known as a class light commercial, in Russia are trading oil futures Urals in the stock exchange market.

WTI (West Texas Intermediate) - WTI is a combination more "subtle and has a quality" of Brent crude, and the higher price of Brent is produced from Texas (USA), its scale textures 40, the sulfur content is 0.4-0.5%. often used in the manufacture of gasoline and this is the reason for the intensity of demand for it, especially in the United States and China.

Participants in the crude oil market

Oil producers

Often crude oil reaches the market from oil extraction companies, those companies can be small or Ckmh institutions, it is reasonable that the impact of companies on the market depends on the volume of oil they extradite him, therefore, others on the market participants Ionnbhoa much of the activity of producers of gold.

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